
Base and conceptual design for the structures in the “Compression module on the Sabratha platform” project

The original development of Bahr Essalam provides for a second phase that reduces the head pressure of the well to sustain production speed. This phase includes the addition of compressor modules downstream of separation to increase pressure, as required by the dehydration trains and for export.

The original Sabratha project provides for the installation of the module as future equipment. In the original project, a specific space was assigned on the main bridge to retrofit the compression modules. Currently, this area is being used as a parking area.

Bahr Essalam Field, starting from areas A West and C Central and production of Structure A, mixed in the Sabratha collectors, will benefit from the compression. Based on the production profiles currently available, Structure A, a future development, will need a compressor to support production after a few years of production.

The implementation of a compressor module is provided for, in order to maintain the plateau level and maximise the field reserves, with the launch of the compression train recommended as soon as the reference case begins to decrease.

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